Data taken by the instruments of AtmoSat will be transmitted to ground, stored and in near-real-time operationally processed. The data are permanently quality controlled by dedicated algorithms and by the scientists of the AtmoSat team. Data are provided to the weather services and distributed to the users via an internet platform.
Data-access will be freely available by implementation of a “wide-access”-model. More comprehensive access (e. g. use of data processors to produce data products) will also be possible. Annual data user workshops will be organized to encourage community exchange. The raw and secondary data delivered by AtmoSat can be broken down into raw data as sent from the instrument to the ground stations, calibration data and calibrated radiance spectra, and derived geophysical parameters (e. g. pressure, temperature, trace-gas concentrations), which are generated largely in near-real time and will be made available to the users. A joint data lab will be established at FZJ Jülich Supercomputing Centre (JSC) and for security reasons the complete available data set will be mirrored at the KIT Steinbuch Centre for Computing (SCC). A central aim is to make the data available in standardized formats, which allow data integrity to be verified and which can be used by diverse software tools without modification.